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La idea me pareció muy original y muy bien ejecutada, ansioso de jugar otro titulo similar, dejo mi gameplay para que lo disfruten, abrazo!!

(1 edit)

I like tiktok I want big co... ENTITY

I knew Matt was up to something... So stoked to be back making videos and check out another game from you!


Excellent game, good job.

This was Creepy and Eerie... Great Job Dude!

cool game really enjoyable

Playing this game felt like a cannon event you know what’s coming but you can’t stop it

Loved it!

un juego muy bueno y muy bien graficamente por su durabilidad le doy un 9 de 10 

I had a feeling about what was coming as soon as I noticed the "door" in my room, LOL.

Hi, I appreciated so much this game. Congratulations and thank you for share it with us, pal. Second part.

Deleted post

I loved it! It seems to be a fairly decent job except the couple of little hiccups and issues. Thanks for making it!

só joguei por cusa do felps '-'

This was another very solid entry by you. The scares got me good and the monster was terrifying. Good job!

I was scared few times


(1 edit)

O jogo é bem simples mas é muito interessante, mas sinto que eu esperava algo mais. Já joguei outros jogos do criador e são muito bons também! Gameplay:


Great game with it simple but fun game style, With it's own unique story.

thank you for the game :

Gave it a Let's Play, gameplay can be found below! I had lots of feedback/suggestions and constructive criticisms for the dev, but otherwise, I do feel like there is potential in your work, the ending of this game was disappointing, unfortunately, everything else alright.

This was my introduction to this developer and I have enjoyed every game they have come out with. Each one has their own vibe and it is great to see the dev experimenting. This game in particular has a really interesting environment/world that it has built up with a fun surprise at the end. I would rate this as one of my favorite experiences with an Itch game thus far. 

Comments below clip:

You've got a job taking care of prison cells. You know why the prisoners are there and you know what happens to them. You are actually [and effectively] helping in feeding some sort of entity that lurks at the other side of those cells. Clean up the mess, sleep and rinse and repeat.

What can go wrong?

Want to find out? Play or watch the game. It's fun, until it isn't...

I didn't run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved, and thanks for making this game!

Very good, at first I thought the setting was very similar to scp

I admit that while I fed the entity, even with the locked doors, I still had this fear that I wasn't safe. I mean, to be fair, DON'T leave one person by them self to feed something so dangerous! I'm just saying...

I had a "feeding frenzy" of fear as I tried to satiate the appetite of a hungry entity lurking in the shadows!

when is mimic search coming out

In 2-3 months

ok thx

VERY spoopy indeed

really good game I loved it

I would realy like this as my job ngl... (without me being eaten ofc.)

Help!!! How does you reset the aspect ratio for the game?!??!?! The window is so small I cant see anything

It is very good. Good job


After I saw the door to the creature in my room, I already guessed the impending trouble... Because of this, I felt a little anxious the whole game, aha

Definitely had me on edge!

Hey friends! Hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed the game! 

wump wump

Loved the emails LMAOOO

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